*** STEP 0 *** We start at https://nightfallen.com/new_weekly_here/ where the hyperlink is intentionally broken. Open the source code to find the link. This leads us to https://nightfallen.com/new_weekly_here/td.htm. *** STEP 1 *** The background video is of the music video Tom's Diner. This will be important later on. The image depicts a web of symbols interconnected by lines and arrows. There are three types of connections: 1. Blue arrow. 2. Blue line with no arrowhead. 3. Red line with no arrowhead. Each blue arrow is adorned with either an additional symbol, or a variable amount of lines. An assumption can be made that these lines perform as functions, transforming one symbol to another. The simplest line type to figure out is the blue line with no arrowhead. We can immediately see that it always connects two identical symbols, signifying an equivalence between the two. This can be thought of as multiply a symbol by (+1). The red line with no arrow head is the opposite of this. It inverts a symbol, effectively multiplying it by (-1). We will later deduce logically that this is indeed the case. Blue arrows use addition as their operator. Given an amount of lines, we simply add 1 for each line. If we have a symbol, we add an unknown value. We can now transcribe the relatoins between the symbols as a series of equations. I will substitute each symbol with a unique letter. B + J = A, B + 14 = C, D + D = C, D + 8 = E, F + H = E, B + D = G, G + O = H, H + H = I, I + 2 = J, K + D = P, H + D = K, H + 6 = L M + J = D, N + 2 = G, F = -B, G = -N, L = -M Solving this as a system of equation gives an integer solution for each symbol. A = 16, B = -4, C = 10, D = 5, E = 13, F = 4, G = 1, H = 9, I = 18, J = 20, K = 14, L = 15, M = -15, N = -1, O = 8, P = 19 If we were to attempt solving this while disregarding equations utilizing red lines, we would be able to conclude that there doesn't exist a positive integer solution for each variable. Therefore we know that negative numbers must somehow be used. *** STEP 2 *** The image is named step1.png, so changing it to step2.png gives a new image. This is a cardan grille. Resizing the image such that every dot is overlaid on one of the symbols from step1.png gives us the symbols whose values are 4, 13, 15, 5, 9, 18, 14, 18, 20. Converting them into letters using A1Z26 gives an anagram of MODERNIST or TOMSDINER. *** STEP 3 *** Changing the image name to step3.png tells us to Google what we have. Looking up "Tom's Diner" we find out two things. 1. It is the song used to create the MP3 format. 2. There exists a track called "moDernisT", composed exclusively of the sounds deleted during MP3 compression from the song "Tom's Diner". *** STEP 4 *** Step4.png simply contains "Aa". Telling us to preserve casing. This seems to match nicely with "moDernisT". *** STEP 5 *** This contains symbols whose values are A1Z26 for "MPTHREE", or simply "MP3". Once again, this matches our findings nicely. *** STEP 6 *** We now know we're looking for an MP3 file with a case-sensitive filename, which is also an anagram of TOMSDINER. This is obviously moDernisT.mp3. We can find this file at https://nightfallen.com/new_weekly_here/moDernisT.mp3. Viewing the audio file with a spectrogram reveals the text "th3ghostinthemp3.htm" in the left channel. Navigate over to https://nightfallen.com/new_weekly_here/th3ghostinthemp3.htm. *** STEP 7 *** These symbols stand for "TDMOTHER", a refernece to Suzanne Vega, the songwriter behind Tom's Diner, recieving the title Mother of the MP3. Going to https://nightfallen.com/new_weekly_here/tdmother.htm provides us with the final solution. *** th3motherofthemp3 ***