Square 1

The clues needed are Beatles 07071967 and touch.png. The number 07071967 is the date The Beatles released "All You Need Is Love". By highlighting the letters in the word "LOVE", we can read the grid as Braille. This is hinted by the filename being touch.png. The resulting Braille is ⠓⠕⠉⠅⠑⠽, which gives the solution:


Square 2

Here the only clue required is alphabet.png. Reading the grid in columns, we'll find that these are NATO Alphabet codewords with their first letters missing. By filling in the blanks, we create the words BRAVO, INDIA, ROMEO, TANGO, HOTEL, giving us "BIRTH". The source code has the comment RE +, which tells us to prepend "RE" to "BIRTH", producing the solution:


Square 3

The level tells us to "Just folow your INTERNal sense!, and then to tap it. Tap refers to Tap code. By taking the positions of the letters in "INTERN" on the grid, we get 1,4 1,1 1,3 3,4 4,4 1,1. Which in Tap code is:


Square 4

The text under the grid is + U+2644. U+2644 is the Unicode encoding of the character "♄", Saturn's symbol. But how can we add Saturn to our grid? The filename is magic.png, which hints at Magic Squares. In fact there exist magic squares named after each of the planets. Looking at Saturn's square, we are now given the values to add to each cell. O+4=S, T+9=C, Y+2=A, S+3=V, Z+5=E, G+7=N, Y+8=G, D+1=E, L+6=R. This spells out:


Square 5

If we boost the brightness of the image a bit, we'll find the hidden text "wingdings2". Viewing the string "FFCCGBGCGGBFBGBBFCFFFBGG" in Wingdings 2 gives us "☝☝☞☞☟☜☟☞☟☟☜☝☜☟☜☜☝☞☝☝☝☜☟☟". By starting in the middle, we can now draw a path. This spells out "HOLINESSISTHEPASSWORDHERE":


Square 6

This grid contains a bunch of seven-digit numbers which are too large to display here. The filename tt.xlsx helps us figure out that these numbers are in fact IMDB IDs. Each ID points to a movie or series with a color in its name. Coloring the grid accordingly paints the letters INDOOR. Opening up the XLSX file reveals a large "+S" placed next to the grid. So then the solution is:


Square 7

This is a 3x3 grid, but I am displaying it as a 9x9 grid because it's easier to do with my current setup. The source code contains two comments: light & dark ... white & black ... 0&1, and Mauritius = 2479. These are telling us which colors equal which numbers. The first comment tells us that White = 0, and Black = 1. The second comment requires us to look at the flag of Mauritius 🇲🇺. From top to bottom, Red = 2, Blue = 4, Yellow = 7, Green = 9. Now each cell contains three digit numbers (102 114 97 109 101 119 111 114 107). These numbers are ASCII codes for:


Square 8

The HTML comment no sinner can solve this level is referring to the seven sins. This grid is a word containing all seven words. Crossing them out, and then reading the remaining letters gives us the sentence "CLEVER PERSON YOU ARE ANSWER IS COMPANY DOT HTM".


Square 9

/ /
Boosting the brightness, we'll find hidden numbers in each of the cells. This grid is unique, because it doesn't have the outer border, and the image name is cipher.png. This all leads to the Pigpen cipher. These hidden numbers are the numbers between 1 and 8, and sometimes have dots next to them. Simply read the numbers in order, and use the dotted grid when needed.


Square 10

hockeywELl donE01100001a
rebirthwELl dONE01100111g
dakotawELl DOnE01101101m
scavengerwELl DonE01101001i
holinesswELl DOne01101100l
indoorswELl DOnE01101101m
frameworkwELl Done01101000h
companywELL dOne01110100t
commandowELl dONE01100111g
At the main page, in the source code we'll find thre comment " ... ... ... " under the link for square 9. This is hinting at a hidden Square 10 page. Going to square10/index.htm, it asks us for weird letters found in square 1-9. These letters are shown on in the table. Upon entering solving each square, the text "well done" is given with weird capitalization. This can be interpreted as binary, which nicely decodes into letters in ASCII.

There is also a key with the faint text "INVISIBLE" on it. This is a Vigenere key which will decode "AGMILMHTG" into:


Square 10 Again

The source code contains the comment Players Getting Pain. The first letters of these words are PGP, which is an initalism of Pretty Good Privacy. This encryption program has its own wordlist which happens to contain each of our solutions from squares 1-9. This can all be solved by Googling the solutions together. Each word represents a byte, and each byte can be decoded as ASCII. Ordering the solutions according to the image (753268941), gives us 66 72 40 A2 74 31 30 D1 73, which decodes to fr@¢t10Ñs.



Each line of fractions uses a unique method to extract letters. In all cases, the numerator somehow extracts a letter from the denominator.

The first red line has a denominator of 26, commonly known as the amount of letters in the English alphabet. Therefore, 12 = L, 9 = I etc. This gives the word LICENSE.

For the orange line, we have to spell the denominator, and take the nth letter from the word using the numerator. This gives FINGERS

For yellow we'll need a QWERTY keyboard. The numerator is the column and the denominator is the row. This gives COMMENT

Green uses the periodic table, giving us the elements O F F I C ER, or the word OFFICER.

Blue uses the Greek alphabet, and points at the letters ρ (Rho) and ζ (Zeta). Saying them out loud in sequence sounds like the word ROSETTA.

Indigo uses the multi-tap text entry system, where the numerator is how many times you press the denominator. This gives FOREVER

Lastly, indigo uses the days of the week, by indexing into their names. This gives the word DIAMOND

Hints for each row are available at hints.png. Red is not given a hint, orange tells you to spell things, yellow tells you to look down at your keyboard, green references the periodic table, blue gives the first two letters of "greek" as well as telling you to say things out loud, indigo hints at t9 despite the method being multi-tap, and lastly indigo gives you a compound word puzzle whose solution is week.

By entering each of the solutions in the URL, you will recieve a small piece of code in the source code. Stringing together all the codes gives us ZXBtYmxlb3duYXRkdw==, which can be decoded as Base64 to "epmbleownatdw". This is once again Vigenere encoded. The key can be found by reading the diagonal letters of all the solutions.


Decoding "epmbleownatdw" using the key "limited" gives us:


That's all! The page now tells you that the password for the weeklies site is "1 l0v3 r@1nb0w5".