Countries 1 - The image name is "countries" capitalized. This is hinting at the capitals of each country. Their first letters spell out the solution. Venezuela = Caracas = C Morocco = Rabat = R Norway = Oslo = O Chile = San Tiago = S Bulgaria = Sofia = S > cross.htm Countries 2 - The title of this level "Twinkle twinkle" refers to stars. The list of countries' flags all contain flags. To solve we must count the amount of stars on each flag, and then index into the name of the country. Australia = 6 = A Liberia = 1 = L Philippines = 3 = I Samoa = 5 = A Senegal = 1 = S > alias.htm Countries 3 - The code mentioned in the title can be quickly identified once we take a look at the flags of the countries provided. All of these flags contain either circles or lines, reminiscent of the dots and dashes of Morse code. Japan Bangladesh Palau = . . . = S Indonesia = -- = M Hungary = --- = O Niger = -.- = K Palau = . = E > smoke.htm Countries 4 - Rotating the flags of the countries like shown in the image makes the letters "TXT". Changing the extention of the image to "three_countries.txt" gives us a file with "P3CQEAK". More information can be found in the file by scrolling all the way down. Doing so will give us the hint "image hosting site". This refers to Imgur. Going to reveals an image containing the flags of USA states. Simply take the first letter of each state. The only exception to this is Texas which has a 2 on it. In that case we take the second letter. Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Wyoming Texas, Rhode Island = FLOWER Missouri, Arizona, Connecticut, Alaska, Utah = MACAU Looking up FLOWER MACAU on the internet gives us the flag of Macau, which indeed has a flower on it. The flower's name is the solution. > lotus.htm Countries 5 - The title tells us to only care about the letters A and B. So first we list out the country names: Gabon, Benin, Belize, Zimbabwe, Brunei, Brazil, Barbados, Uganda, Belgium, Djibouti, Albania, Mozambique, Benin Then we remove all non A/B letters, which gives ABBBBABBBABABAAABBABAAABB. This is divisible by 5, so we can assume it's a Baconian cipher. > pound.htm Countries Final - The cipher is Beaufort. The key is found by combining the solutions of all previous Country levels. CROSS ALIAS SMOKE LOTUS POUND Since we know the key is 5 letter long, we can assume only one letter is needed from each solution. Reading the diagonal gives us the key CLOUD. Decoding lrwbf with that key gives the final answer to this path. This will give us one third of a QR code. > rusty.htm Navy 1 - Each line must be decoded separately. Once decoded, we'll have a list of the ICS meaning of maritime signal flags. draob no tolip a evah i (reverse) = H R zn zogvirmt nb xlfihv gl hgziylziw (atbash) = E G ja.d a hs,lz vddr ,dpp ipdao ak ;ps, ;rddh (Dvorak) = A Hide xbbtsxpitan (Rot 11) = L > heal.htm Navy 2 - Each group of four letters represents a set of colored striped that go either vertically or horizontally. The V and H before each hyphen tells us the direction of the stripes, while the following letters give us the initials of various colors. The resulting navy flags are numbers. V-RWR = 7 H-BRB = 3 V-YBY = 8 H-YRY = 2 V-RWR = 7 V-BWB = 9 V-RWR = 7 V-YBY = 8 The resulting two-digit numbers are decimal ASCII for the solution. > iron.htm Navy 3 - The title is a period, referring to the period table. For each line, color each number on the periodic table with the font color of said number. This will form the navy flags needed to obtain the solution. > tips.htm Navy Final - The cipher is the Keyword cipher. This cipher takes a custom alphabet and then applies a monoalphabetic substitution between itself and a normal alphabet. The length of the key matches the amount of letters in all previous solution. To obtain the key we simply anagram them together. Decoding "fgqscszrqsfd" using the key "relationship" gives another QR code piece. > optimization.htm Semaphore 1 - The title tells us to look down. We are now looking at our keyboard. Most keyboards have a keypad. Marking the numbers in each group gives us valid semaphore. 7 8 9 7 8 ⑨ ⑦ 8 9 7 8 9 4 ⑤ 6 4 ⑤ 6 ④ ⑤ 6 4 ⑤ 6 ① ② 3 1 2 ③ 1 2 3 ① 2 ③ 0 0 0 0 > axon.htm Semaphore 2 - The image contains a clock with only 8 hours. This aligns with semaphore having eight directions. We are however told that we need the "correct one". The image name contains a typo. Correcting it from "cIock.png" to "clock.png" gives us an image of a hexagon with "1c 2e 0f 4e". Converting the bytes from hexadecimal to decimal gives us "28 46 15 78". We then draw lines in those directions on the clock to get four semaphore letters. > undo.htm Semaphore 3 - The image name is WtQxDcH8, and the image itself is the logo of is a valid link that is password protected. To get the password, we simply convert the title to semaphore, and then read the semaphore as new letters: U = V = v D = | = i N = Λ = a J = L = l The contents of the pastebin are pairs of numbers. They are unicode points. You can also google them to find out that they represent arrows. Simply treat each pair of arrows as semaphore directions. > trim.htm Semaphore 4 - The title is hinting at a GIF file, since presents are GIFts. Changing the image name from "grid.png" to "grid.gif" gives us an image of the four card suits arranged like so: ♥ ♠ ♦ ♣ Looking back at the original image, we can actually find the names of the suits hidden in the grid in the same positions as the GIF. The path drawn by each word gives us two directions. HONORARY H A METAPODE E P D TRASCODE TRAS E CATACOMB B DANASCUS D U SINGULAR I L CHARCOAL A C RONMONDO MOND Heart = O Spade = N Club = L Diamond = Y > only.htm Semaphore Final - The cipher this time is Playfair. The key "AUTONOMY" is found by stacking all previous solutions and reading the two columns on the edges. ⓐxoⓝ ⓤndⓞ ⓣriⓜ ⓞnlⓨ Decoding "mixfaj" with the alphabet "AUTONMYBCDEFGHIJKLPQRSVWX" gives the final solution. It once again gives us one third of a QR code. > desire.htm End 1 - Constructing a QR code from the three pieces and scanning it gives us the ciphertext "sqagzzsklxzuf". This can be decoded by going back to the main page. Notice that each branch entrance actually contains puzzle elements. The semaphore flags decode to: AMOR. The flags are of the Virgin Islands, Caledonia, and Italy. Their 2-letter codes are: VINCIT The navy flags decode to: OMNIA Amor Vincit Omnia is a Latin phrase. Decoding "sqagzzsklxzuf" using Vigenere with the latin phrase gives us semperfidelis, which can be entered into the URL. > semperfidelis.htm End 2 - This is a meta level utilizing methods seen in previous levels. u Encode with semaphore, read as letter V bbp Encode with semaphore, read as number 3 l+Cancel Encode with semaphore, read as letter X flags# Encode with semaphore, a1z26 encode 17 blood snow blood Red White Red navy flag, number 7 five blue crosses on snow Five blue crosses on white navy flag, number 0 greece + romania, phone Dialing codes, 30 + 40, sum 70 guyana, iso 3166 Guyana's 2-letter code GY v3x177070gy is the final solution. It is 1337 speak for vexillology, the study of flags. The final solution is given on the next page: it's_always_fun_with_flags! > v3x177070gy.htm